Fair Housing:
Know Your Rights
and Responsibilities

If you think you've been discriminated against in the sale or rental of an apartment, condominium or house in Norwalk, contact:
(203) 854-7820

Thank you, to all who helped to make our Freedom Fund Banquet a success. We had a great time and enjoyed some memorable remarks from our Guest Speaker and Awardees.
Click here to see a copy of our Banquet Book
Thank you for visiting the website of the Norwalk Branch NAACP. Our effort will be to keep the community informed of our actions and activities via this site, as well as other forms of communication. Please visit the site often and stay in touch. We need your support in order to effect change where change is necessary and, to that end, we understand our responsibility to keep you informed. Thank you and know that we will be diligent in our efforts of always striving for justice and equality for all.
Brenda Penn-Williams, President
Norwalk Branch NAACP

Click below to view our 2022 Black History Program