The Consent Decree (1986) and the Second Amended Consent Decree (2004) are the finest, or among the finest, achievements of the Norwalk
Branch. In the Decrees, both parties declared their 'sincere desire to build ....low and moderate income housing ....and to use federal funds'.
The Decrees required the City of Norwalk to create and fund the position of Fair Housing Officer (FHO) who would report to the Fair Housing Advisory
Commission (FHAC) 'activities and findings regarding enforcement and compliance under Title VIII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1968 and the city's
Housing Equal Opportunity Ordinance Chapter 59a of the City Code.'
The City of Norwalk was also required to create 'a Fair Housing Advisory Commission (FHAC) to advise and assist the development and
implementation of the City's Fair Housing policy and program'. The Fair Housing Officer is staff to the FHAC.
Article 14 of the Second Amended Consent Decree reads as follows:
"The Defendant, City of Norwalk, through its Common Council, will recommend to the Planning and Zoning Commissions of the City of Norwalk
that new zoning ordinances be adopted to provide for appropriate density bonuses for new or substantially rehabilitated multi-family residential
development in which a percentage of the units will be made available to low and moderate income persons."
Click Here for the full version of the Consent Decree
Purposes and Roles of the Norwalk Fair Housing Advisory Commission and Fair Housing Officer
Hour Article of February 15, 2011 on Fair Housing Report
Norwalk Fair Housing Advisory Commission
City of Norwalk Fair Housing Office
City of Norwalk Redevelopment Agency
City of Norwalk Housing Site Development Agency
City of Norwalk Planning and Zoning
City of Norwalk Zoning Board of Appeals
City of Norwalk Human Relations Commission
City of Norwalk Fair Rent Commission
Norwalk Housing Authority
CT Legal Services, Inc.
NAACP, Norwalk Branch
Open Door Shelter
Housing Development Fund, Inc.
Connecticut Mutual Housing, Inc.
Continuum of Care
United Way of Coastal Fairfield County